Since 1967, this FDA-approved process has been used to reduce pain, muscle spasms, inflammation, stiffness, and pain while increasing circulation, flexibility, collagen, healing, and strength. Healing lights release photons that regenerate tissue, reduce inflammation, and restore normal cellular function.
Acute and even chronic pain relief is frequently in minutes. This is a noninvasive process that is usually very long-lasting.
Cold laser therapy is the use of red and near-infrared lights at specific frequencies to restore life to virtually any cell or tissue in the body. When the mitochondria (our cell’s energy source) absorb the red lights, ATP is released. This level of energy stimulates natural healing. Physical, mental, and even emotional issues can be helped by increasing and stabilizing the energy flow. The low levels of light are called “cold” because they aren’t warm enough to heat body tissues. *Also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), laser acupuncture, soft laser bio-stimulation and/or photobiomodulation. These FDA-approved procedures are painless and noninvasive. Over 50,000 studies confirm the effectiveness and safety. This FDA-approved treatment is endorsed by NASA, and there are no known side effects.